This Wiki is about online cosmological calculators, both regular and tabular types. The work was inspired by discussions on Physics Forums, more specifically by Marcus in the Cosmology sub-forum.
Cosmological calculators take inputs like red-shift, Hubble parameters, energy densities or Hubble radii and produce lists of other cosmological parameters that can be derived from the inputs. The most common type of online cosmological calculator is the "one-shot" type. It typically takes a set of inputs for one red-shift or Hubble radius and then produces a wide variety of outputs for that one red-shift. Some examples are: CosmoCalc Single Redshift Cosmological Calculator (more to follow).
Recently, a number of tabular online cosmological calculators appeared. They perform a similar function, but rather than just one red-shift, they allow one or more tables for a range of red-shifts. Some examples are: LightCone Tabular Cosmological Calculator (more to follow).
This Wiki will include a number of tutorials and user guides.
Here is the beginnings of a tutorial: LightCone Tutorial
Here is the beginnings of a user guide: LightCone User Guide